Battle Earth VI Read online

Page 5

  "Mmm, so through their own vanity they present a weakness," replied Huber.

  He turned to Taylor.

  "What do you think, Colonel?"

  Taylor was taken aback. He knew why they addressed so many questions to Jafar, but he was just another marine in the fleet.

  "Sounds like a job the Corps will happily see to the end, Admiral."

  "Latest reports suggest we have just twenty-four hours before their fleet reaches us."

  "The Purge will be ahead of the rest of the fleet, which you can expect within an hour of their arrival."

  "Doesn't give us a whole lot of time to get them out of the way. It seems to me they are sent as a diversion to make way for this Planet Killer, and we are actively seeking to be diverted by it," stated Huber.

  "Sir, if I may," replied Taylor. "Nothing of what Jafar has told us has ever been anything but spot on. If he says this is the way it should be done, I believe him, and would be willing to put the full backing of the 2nd Inter-Allied behind him."

  "That is high praise indeed."

  The room fell silent for a moment. Taylor could see they were all looking to the Admiral to make the decision.

  "Colonel, I have almost a hundred and fifty ships at my disposal, but the lion’s share must inevitably remain with the defence grid here for the defence of Earth. I will give you thirty to advance a hundred kilometres and attempt to make this plan work. Vice Admiral Bailey will command this enterprise from the Neptune."

  Huber pointed to the Admiral, but Taylor was already well aware of who the Admiral was; a woman newly appointed to the roll and who had served throughout the war. She had done her job well, but not yet with distinction.

  "I will give you everything you need to make this mission work, Colonel, but know that every ship we have is needed for the defence of Earth. I don't want to compromise anymore ships and personnel than is necessary to get the job done."

  "Understood, Ma'am."

  "Good. The rest of your Battalion is awaiting you aboard transports. I'll have them despatched to rendezvous with the Neptune immediately. From now on, I will be concerning myself with defence of Earth from here. You and Admiral Bailey have complete control over the operation to take on this Purge fleet," said Huber.

  That's no small ask, thought Taylor.

  "We have much more to discuss here. Bailey, Taylor, you have a big task ahead of you and little time."

  The two rose from their seats and left the room with Jafar close behind. Bailey spoke as soon as they were out into the corridor.

  "Seems to me what you need from the Navy is a deep defensive column that will put down as much chaos and confusion as possible while you get your thing done."

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  "Then I'll leave you to make your plans. All I'll need to know is timings and flight paths, in order to give you clear runs at the Purge ships and fighter support to go with it. Let me know when you have it planned out. You have two hours. I'll see you aboard the Neptune, Colonel."

  She split of from the two of them with her own escort. Taylor stopped for a moment and stared into Jafar's eyes.

  "You really think this plan can work?"

  "It has to. It will take Huber's fleet hours to get the better of the Purge. In that time, the Gezgen K'til could be in position,and it would be over for us all."

  Taylor gestured for Jafar to follow him as they made their way back to Rains’ ship.

  "Say we can pull this off and get marines aboard every one of these Purge ships, what then? Set charges and blow them sky high?"

  "I was, as you say, going to think outside the box."

  "Go on."

  "The Purge ships are heavily armoured, even by Krycenaean standards. Why not use them against the enemy? Destroying them would be advantageous. But we could use them to our advantage."

  "Yes, yes. Load 'em with nukes and send them right into the Planet Killer."

  Jafar nodded.

  "Do you think it could work?"

  "If we can take them, yes. The ship commands will have to be input from the bridge of each ship individually after they are taken. I can create a command string which will make it quick and simple for each team."

  "Sounds crazy but might work."

  Taylor couldn't believe what was being suggested, but their entire situation was beyond belief.

  "It's a simple plan, but if we can make the first stage work, why not? I hope you're right about boarding these things."

  They reached the ship. It was already waiting with the engines fired up and ready to go. They lifted off the second they had gotten through the door and before they'd found a seat.

  "Everything in order, Colonel?" asked Rains.

  "You ready for the craziest mission you ever heard of?" asked Taylor.

  "After the shit we've been through, nothing would surprise me. Does it involve sticking it to the bastards?"

  "Damn straight," replied Taylor.

  "Well all right then, let's get this show on the move!"

  * * *

  Taylor strode into the temporary briefing room he’d been allocated aboard the Collingwood. All the key officers of 2nd Inter-Allied were gathered, along with Silva and Parker. All stood upon his arrival. He palmed them off as if embarrassed by the sentiment.

  "Be seated!"

  It took just ten minutes to explain the plan to them. They did not question it nor seem at all surprised.

  "I am assigned a single platoon to the task of taking on the task of each ship in this Purge fleet. I know that spreads us thin. However, with the element of surprise, it should be all that is required to get the job done. It will also leave us a few platoons in reserve which will fill any holes if they arise."

  "You mean if we get blown out of the sky on the way to the target?" asked Jackson.

  For a moment Taylor was concerned the Captain doubted their mission, but Taylor could see the sarcasm in the Captain's face.

  "I'm not saying this isn't a dangerous mission, but when have we ever known any other kind? This Purge must be stopped. I can't say I'm enthused about having volunteered for the task, but if you want something done right and all that."

  A few laughs echoed around the room.

  "As you all know, we have comms working again in spite of their jamming technology. This is a major breakthrough for us. When the battle begins, we will be hidden in the minefield and debris around it. This should easily conceal our craft until the last moment. Fighters from the Neptune and her support ships will provide further cover for our movements. Each assault craft will be allocated a target as they are identified. Lieutenant Ota, your Company will be the reserves for this. I pray you are not needed, but be ready for anything."

  "Where will you be, Sir?" she responded.

  "I will be with the first platoon to go in, with whoever volunteers for the job."

  "I'll go!" replied Jones without hesitation.

  Taylor thought for a moment. Risking a Company and Battalion commander in this first wave was a risky strategy, but he could see the confidence boost it gave to all who had heard it.

  "Okay. Each platoon will be issued a command module that has been arranged by Jafar. The platoons must get in, neutralise all targets, deploy the command module, and arm a nuke before getting the hell out of there. Were this to involve a single ship, it would be a walk in the park. However, the logistics of this operation are such that timing must be impeccable. I will allocate each of you a target vessel before I begin the first assault. That could be the last communication you have from me once it all begins. Any questions?"

  "How longer after this Purge fleet arrives can we expect the rest of the enemy?" asked Grey.

  "From what we understand, it will be about an hour."

  "Doesn't give us a whole lot of time to get this done," added Jackson.

  "Nope, as always, time is not on our side. However, the element of surprise is. They may be coming for us, but we're gonna hit them in ways they could never have imagined. Anything else?"
  "Assuming we get this done and get back off the cruisers, what then?" asked Jones.

  "We return immediately to Bailey's fleet and join the rest of the fight."

  "And if this fails?" asked Yorath.

  "Be under no illusions. If this Planet Killer is able to fulfil its mission, it will be the end of Earth. Everyone on it will be dead, and it will be uninhabitable for centuries. If we cannot stop it, what remains of our fleet will be the last remnants of humanity."

  Gasps and whispers filled the room and began to rise in volume.

  "All right! Listen up. This is bad, and there is no doubt about that. But we can beat 'em, just like we have before."

  "Sir, if this so called Purge fleet is so God damn important, why aren't we getting more resources to deal with it?" asked Jackson.

  Taylor took in a deep breath and sighed. He felt just the same.

  "The reality is we don't know a lot of intel on the enemy fleet or tactics beyond what Jafar has told us. Admiral Huber is understandably concerned about diverting too many of our forces away from the Planet Killer. There is a possibility that this Purge fleet is merely a distraction to make way for it, in which case we will handle that distraction. I want to turn that on its head and turn their own weapons on them."

  "If we can take out this monstrosity, what else can we expect after it?" asked Jones.

  Taylor nodded in agreement. That’s the kind of thinking I like.

  "That is a valid point. Right now we are concerned with the immediate catastrophic threat to Earth. Even if we succeed in our mission here, there will be no shortage of enemy to fight. The hope is we can do enough damage to break them here and drive them away."

  "You think our Navy has that kind of power?" asked Ota.

  "I think we have a hell of a chance, yeah. Whatever we do or don't have, the time has come, and we have to make it work."

  They all went silent.

  "Any other questions? Okay. You know what to do. Get to the boats. Everything you need will be issued at the docking bays. Make sure you have a full compliment of shields. They'll provide more than useful for this boarding action. Good luck to you all."

  He stood up and left the room with Parker and Jafar trailing him.

  "Permission to accompany you on the first assault?" she asked.



  He stopped, turned to face her, and replied in a whisper.

  "Look, what we choose to do in our own time is one thing, but we must stay professional in our jobs. You have a duty to your platoon. Be there for them like they are there for you."


  He lifted his hand and put his finger to her lips lightly to stop her.

  "But nothing. I'll see you when it's all over. Report to your station, Sergeant."

  She knew he was right, but it pained her to have to part from him once again.

  "Aye, aye, Sir."

  Taylor and Jafar arrived at the docking bay just in time to see the nuclear weapon being carried aboard. Rains stood with his arms crossed, watching with a smile. He looked immensely pleased with the new model craft he had so recently taken delivery of. It was a Stallion class, and despite the pristine body, he had already decorated it with a hand painted half naked lady.

  "Woo hoo! Gonna blow some shit up today!" he yelled.

  "Taylor smiled. Even in the face of apocalyptical destruction, the Lieutenant was his same cheery self.

  "You know whatever pills you’re taking sure would be popular right about now," replied Taylor.

  "Oh, come on, Colonel, we're living exciting times! We're about to witness the biggest mothership of all time; big enough to kill every living thing on a planet. We're gonna see it, and then we're gonna blow it to hell!"

  "That's certainly the plan. Have you been brought up to speed on what we are doing here?"

  "We got it. Fly you in to breach the ships coming our way. All we got to do is deliver you safely and pull you out at the end."

  "That about sums it up."

  "Easiest thing in the world," replied Eddie with a wide grin.

  Taylor lifted his arm to speak into his comms module.

  "2nd Inter-Allied. Emplane immediately. Lift off in five."

  Jones appeared at his side, ushering their platoon aboard. Among them were some of the Brits that had been with them from the very beginning. Monty and Blinker strode past, greeting the Colonel.

  "Shame Colonel Chandra isn't here to see us blow the bastards to hell, Sir," shouted Blinker.

  Monty shook his head in shame.

  "You remember her when you see the enemy again," replied Taylor.

  "Sure will, Sir."

  "Load up, Rains."

  "You got it."

  Taylor was the last aboard. The plan was set now, and all they could do was wait and hope the Purge fleet came as Jafar predicted. The alien was glued to his side throughout.

  "Still confident about this plan?"

  Jafar nodded.

  "I served Demiran for many years. He is predictable. If he is using the Gezgen K'til, then he will do so in the exact manner it was used last and the times before that. No planet has stood against it and the Purge combined."

  "Good to know," he replied sarcastically.

  The ship lifted off within seconds of him sitting down behind Eddie and his co-pilot.

  It gave the Colonel a sense of security to have Rains at the helm and keeping them safe. He had got them through hell many times before. He thought back on all the times they had survived against all odds.

  I wonder how much longer our luck can hold out.

  Jones could see the lost look in his eyes and quickly responded.

  "Hey, it ain't all bad."

  Taylor smiled cautiously.

  "How'd you figure?"

  "We're the Immortals, remember? Failure is not a possibility."

  Taylor laughed.

  "Whoever named us that can't have seen our casualty lists."

  "Maybe it isn't important. It doesn't matter who lives and dies from the Immortals. Only that they struggle on, no matter what. Soldiers from around the World are spurred on by our victories. Their resolve holds because ours does."

  "Mmm, but at hell of a cost. Isn't it time someone else took on the mantle?"

  "We aren't the only ones fighting. I am sure plenty have had it just as bad."

  Taylor nodded in agreement. He knew Jones to be correct, for he had seen the evidence with his own eyes. Thirty minutes later they were in position spread amongst the minefield before Bailey's fleet. The thirty ships she had were staggered into several lines of defence. To reach Earth via a direct path, the enemy would have to go right through them.

  "You still sure they won't avoid us all together?" asked Jones.

  "Positive. Demiran despises you and will accept nothing short of a full frontal attack. Anything that stands in his way must be crushed."

  "Well, allright then. I sure hope you're right."

  "He's not wrong," replied Rains.

  "What is it?" asked Taylor.

  "The Neptune has made visual contact."

  "Put it on the display."

  A projection came up front of them all. It wasas Jafar had described, hulking, heavily armoured vessels all matching. They had never seen such vessels before.

  "Twelve of the bastards. Just as you said," said Jones.

  "It's a good start," replied Taylor.

  "Not sure that's how I'd describe it," Jones retorted.

  "They're coming right for us. There's no doubt about it!" Eddie added.

  "Strike two. It's going our way so far. How long till they reach the fleet?"

  "They'll be in range in a few minutes," replied Eddie.

  "Right, then it is a waiting game for us."

  They did exactly that. The viewing screen was a projection from a camera aboard the Neptune. It was not long before the guns raged from both sides, but the enemy made no sign of slowing down. The hulking cruisers still soared towards t
he fleet, as if to smash through as Jafar had said.

  "You were right," Jones said quietly.

  "Yes, breach the defences and cause utter chaos. That is their job."

  "And they're rolling right into our trap," Taylor said.

  Two of the human ships were destroyed before their eyes. It brought a sober tone to them all, but only hardened their resolve to make the enemy pay dearly. As the Purge cruisers reached the fleet, another of the humans’ ships was ripped apart by heavy pulses that tore it into four sections. The Neptune gave a vicious broadside from its guns as a cruiser passed. The salvo smashed the hull of the enemy ship and tore metal from its armour but did little to slow it down.

  "Still sure we can breach that?" asked Jones.

  "Yes," replied Jafar.

  Glad someone is so optimistic, Mitch thought.

  "Not long now till we kick their teeth in!" yelled Blinker.

  Taylor smiled as the Private's brother shouted for him to be quiet. But in all honestly, he didn't mind it. They needed some rousing words and fighting spirit. He looked around to see that he was the only marine in their unit. Inter-Allied had become so closely knit since it all began that he had not given it a moment's thought.

  "What are you thinking?" asked Jones.

  "How I'm the only full blooded American here."

  "You're the token yank," Jones replied with a smile.

  Taylor could do nothing but laugh as he turned back to the viewing screen, checking the enemy’s progress. They had to make light of the situation. It was the best way to calm their nerves at the realisation of what they were about to attempt. The first enemy cruiser struck a mine at the opening to the field. The device tore a chuck from the hull, but it continued on all the same until its power failed and it floated off as one more wreck in space.

  "Got to be close now!"

  "Wait for it, Eddie," replied Taylor.

  He watched as the fighter wings from the Neptune soared through the enemy fleet, creating a wave of confusion and firing everything they had at the weapon ports of the cruisers. Taylor lifted his Mappad and allocated a ship to each platoon that was waiting before hitting the submit button.