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- Nick S. Thomas
Battle Earth VI Page 3
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Page 3
"It's a God damn miracle we're even still alive to be training for this," Kelly said.
"Amen to that," he replied.
Buzzers went off in the distance as the lasers tagged the opposition. The battle was out of sight now as the close quarter battle continued in the distance. Fifteen minutes later the shots finally stopped.
Taylor lifted his comms device.
"Training exercise complete. Well done, return to the rally point."
The troops began to flood back down the corridor past them. Jafar was among them and could be seen many ranks down due to his towering presence.
"That's not a sight I'm ever going to get used to, one of them in our uniform," Kelly.
"I used to think the same, but I'll never say never after the shit I've seen."
Kelly smiled and nodded in agreement. Jafar now wore sergeant stripes upon his armour and was directly attached to Taylor's command staff. The alien had become good friends with Silva while learning everything he could from the Sergeant Major.
"Colonel, I'd have you and your command staff dine with me tonight."
"It would be an honour," replied Taylor.
"I'll see you there, Colonel."
* * *
Taylor stepped into the officer’s quarters he had been provided and could already tell Eli was occupying the place. Her gear was scattered over the desk, and the shower was on. He knew she couldn't have been there long, as the water restrictions only allowed the showers to run for up to two minutes every twelve hours. That was considered adequate for a single occupant.
The door closed behind him, and the shower turned off moments later. She was clearly aware of his presence. She stepped out of the bathroom with a cheeky smile on her face.
"You know that'll be all the water I get for hours."
"Ah, you don't need it, Colonel. You've stood around watching all day while the rest of us sweat."
He could do nothing but smile. He had been looking forward to getting cleaned up, but the sight of her was so much more appealing.
"So the Commander has invited you to dinner?"
"Yep, sure has."
"Damn, bet you'll be getting some good food."
"Bet your ass."
"Don't fancy taking a date?"
Taylor shook his head.
"We may just about get away with carrying on like this, but if we flaunt it before those around us, it'll only bring trouble."
"And what would they do to the great Colonel Mitch Taylor. Leader of the Immortals, slayer of Karadag?"
"Hey, you're not the one who spent a few months in the brig. I can do without that experience again."
He pulled of his BDUs and threw them down over Parker's gear. The room was a mess, but he figured he couldn't make it any worse. There was just enough water left to wash his face.
"That food tonight will better than the shit we get."
"Privileges of rank," he replied with a smile.
Mitch pulled out his service dress from the wardrobe. It was the only other uniform he had with him, and the smartest thing he could manage. He figured evening dress would be too much for Kelly anyway, who was a man of simple tastes. As he tried to get dressed, Eli did her utmost to stop him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and tried to entice him to stay.
"Come on, you know Kelly can't withstand lateness."
She let go and slumped down on the bed with a sigh and curse.
"Is this all our lives are now? One training exercise to another on base after base?"
"We're in the Corps. Our lives are what we are told. Another few weeks and we'll get our leave. We can head for Monterey and soak up the sun. Down cocktails to our hearts content and be the layabouts you fancy us to be."
"Mmm, sounds good. I'll believe it when I see it."
He made the final adjustments to his tie in the mirror, looking down at her glum face.
"Hey come on. This is luxury compared to the times we have known, a real bed, regular sleep, and nobody trying to kill us. I'll only be a few hours."
"I'll be waiting."
It was a short walk to Kelly's home, an apartment atop one of the towers of the colony. Two MDF soldiersposted at the door ushered him inside. It struck Taylor as strange that he would have a protection detail at his personal residence.
The Colonel made his way though into the penthouse. It opened up into a lavish open plan environment that was prime real estate on the Lunar colony. It didn't feel like the kind of place Kelly would have chosen. Taylor could only suspect it came along with the job. Up ahead, he could hear a hive of conversation, and he caught the last few comments.
"How long have we got till the bastards get here?" asked one officer.
Taylor's face turned to stone as he’d already anticipated the subject of the conversation. He pushed his way through two officers. There were over a dozen MDF officers stood about talking.
"Until which bastards get here?" he asked sternly.
The room fell silent as he strode in between them. His eyes contacted with Kelly, and he could see the weariness on the Commander's face.
"They're back, those alien bastards."
Taylor was silent. He always expected them to return, but it was no less shocking.
"What do you know so far?"
Kelly took in a deep breath, as if to prepare for the passing on of such dire news.
"Not an awful lot at present. The Collingwood and what is left of the SGD, that's the Space Gateway Defence, is in full retreat. They've lost four or five vessels and are doing running repairs while making their way here with all haste."
"The Deveron was out there. Did she make it out?"
"She did indeed, and is on her way here, right now."
"How are we just hearing about this?"
"The SGD centre has only known for the last twenty-four hours. Colonel, I have been informed of your orders and told to relay them to you presently."
Taylor expected the Commander to usher him into some more private quarters, but he laid it out for all to hear.
"The Deveron will be here within hours. You are to take what elements of the Inter-Allied are here and report to her for immediate departure. Your task is to gather any information you can on what's heading our way."
A few of the officers gasped and sniggered at the order.
"Sir? Head towards them, with one ship?"
"Four other vessels are being sent out on similar information gathering missions. The honest truth is your eyes, and that of your alien friend, are what's needed. Get out there, gather any info you think could be useful, and get back safely. The fleet will be waiting for you when you haul ass back here."
"Better be, Sir, because we'll be coming in hot."
"Now, the rest of you. The last time we faced unbeatable odds, we chose to stay and defend our homes without knowing what we had let ourselves in for. I will not make the same mistake again. The colony is what it is because of the people who inhabit it. I am ordering an immediate evacuation to Earth."
There was no argument from the officers present. Several had fought for their survival on the Moon, and none wanted to go through it again. Kelly turned to Taylor.
"You haven't got long, Colonel. Gather your people and be ready. She'll be docking at platform seven. Good luck to you."
"And to you, Sir."
Taylor rushed out of the room and immediately lifted his comms unit.
"2nd Inter-Allied. Grab your gear and report to platform seven. We are leaving."
He didn't want to say anything else across open channels, but he knew they would already suspect a major problem coming their way. There would be no other reason for them to leave their training mission for anything but an emergency. He reached his quarters and found Parker inside, almost ready to go.
"What the hell's up?" she asked.
"Hell? Exactly that, coming our way and fast."
She tilted her head and stared at his face to see if he really meant what she s
uspected. He could see exactly what she was thinking and asking with her eyes.
"Yep, it's exactly that."
He ripped of his service dress and tossed it into his kit bag. He knew he wouldn't have any need for it for a long time.
"We rendezvousing with the rest of the fleet?"
He ignored the comment and continued to get into his BDUs.
"Mitch?" she asked.
He knew she wasn't going to leave it alone.
"We're heading out in the Deveron on recon."
She shook her head in disbelief.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing... just that why do we always get the shit jobs?"
"Well in this case, I can honestly say we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Being here on the Moon right now, and having Jafar's knowledge and counsel, means we were perfect for this."
"Great, I'll remind you of that when we're up to our necks in shit."
Taylor could do nothing but smile in response. She was more beautiful than ever when she was angry. She could see that in his face, and it only made her more furious.
* * *
The thirty-six marines of Inter-Allied lay about the docking bay awaiting their ride as the colony erupted into organised chaos. The evacuation had begun, and nobody was in any doubt as to what was coming their way. Taylor could only watch and wish the human fleet had been so substantial when it all began. Leaving the colony with the Prime Minister while the battle raged was a memory he would never forget, and one of the lowest points in his career.
Taylor had explained to all who were with him what their mission was. There had not been a single question or discussion about it. They were somehow numbed by the news, but he had spent the last year preparing them for it. It wasn't long before the Deveron arrived. The ramp lowered, and Taylor rushed forward to greet Ryan with excitement but was met by a grim sight.
Captain Ryan stepped out at the head of a line of stretcher-bearers. Five dead were carried out, and three walking wounded followed.
"Attention on deck!"
The call came from Jafar and was immediately responded to. It was the first time he had ever done as such, and Taylor was impressed with his perception on the situation. He was showing the respect to their fallen like one of his own. There were still some who didn't trust the alien, but he counted Jafar among his closest friends.
The wounded passed, and Taylor could see three of the dead were marines. Ryan approached and stopped before him with a salute. Taylor tried to find the words to say, but nothing seemed appropriate.
"You weren't wrong, Colonel. You always said the bastards would be back, and they are, and stronger than ever."
"Any idea on the numbers we face?"
"Honestly, they just kept coming. It didn't matter how many we killed, how many ships we destroyed. They kept pouring through the Gateway and bearing down on us till there was nothing we could do but run. We barely made it out alive. Some weren't so lucky."
Mitch hated having to ask it, but he needed the Deveron and her crew back in action.
"Are you aware of your orders?"
"To take you back out there to gather intel."
It was a relief to not have to be the one to tell him.
"You got it. I am sorry there is no time to see to your casualties, but time is not on our side."
"Got it, Sir, mount up when you're ready."
Ryan's crew passed the casualties over to an MDF medical team, who had been awaiting their arrival, and quickly scrambled back aboard.
"Load up!" yelled Taylor.
A Marine Lieutenant waited at the ramp to the ship. Taylor could see the wound on his arm and the quick patch up that had been done. His armour was still scorched from the battle, but he didn't show any sign of it affecting his ability.
"Lieutenant Samson, Sir. I have been assigned as Marine detail to the Deveron."
"Colonel Taylor, 2nd Inter-Allied."
"I am well aware who you are, Sir. I can't think of a marine alive who wouldn't know your face."
Taylor smiled back. Samson seemed completely calm and unfazed by the battle he had so recently faced. It was clear he was a marine with plenty of combat experience.
"Welcome aboard, Colonel."
Taylor looked up at the hull of the Deveron one last time and stepped inside. It felt good to be back aboard, but the battle scars were more present than ever. Blue blood trailed down one of the corridors where the body of a Mech had been dragged away. Metal support beams were twisted and burnt. Crews were busy cutting and welding on multiple levels to repair the damage. Samson stepped through to escort the Colonel to the bridge.
"Looks like you had a hell of a fight to get out of there."
"Just what we have come to expect of the Mechs, Sir. The surprise was seeing them again. All in all, we did well to get out of there with so few lost, but a minute longer, and I don't think any of us would have made it."
Taylor shook his head.
"I've been telling our Commanders for the last year that this would happen. How can anyone have been so stupid to assume they would just leave us alone?"
"Well, looks like your wish has come true."
"Mmm, can't say I wanted them to come, but we do have some unfinished business."
"This is the Captain speaking. We lift off in sixty seconds."
The two officers reached the bridge that felt like home to Taylor. Those who knew him and the fresher faces greeted him, but there was little enthusiasm in their faces. Taylor sat down at one of the workstations. He wouldn't lie about in anyone else's vessel, but the Deveron was an exception. A few seconds later, Ryan strode onto the deck. He was young for the Captain of such a vessel; and as aresult of the war that he would not have desired.
"Liftoff in five, four, three..."
The engines roared, and the Deveron quickly lifted from the docking bay. Within seconds, Wayans was putting full power down, and they soared out into space. After clearing the docking bays, they could see the extent of the evacuation. War ships, cargo liners, and civilian ships were all working together to take every human being from the Moon to safety. Taylor looked out at the defence grip around Earth. It was an impressive installation, but he still wasn't convinced it would be all that so many hoped for.
"When we fled, their fleet didn't seem to be following us with any haste. I guess we have a good few days yet before they reach us, maybe a week or more."
"Why would they do that?" asked Taylor.
"Only reason I know of is if they have brought the Gezgen K'til."
"The what?"
"The Planet Killer."
Taylor suddenly leapt to his feet and turned to the face the alien.
"How is it this is the first we are hearing of it?"
"I have not seen it in seventy of your years. I never thought I would again. The last time I was just young. It was returning from a great victory."
"Seventy years ago? How old are you?" Ryan asked.
"Eighty-three years. The Krycenaean can easily live to twice what a human does."
"Not with a bullet in their head, they don't," replied Samson.
Taylor nodded in agreement. But just as he smiled at the comment, he was reminded of the original topic.
"This Planet Killer. It may sound like a stupid question, but what is it?"
The bridge was silent as everyone's attention turned to Jafar. Not even the pilot Wayans could turn away.
"All I know is that when used it kills all life on a planet and renders that planet uninhabitable to even us for a long time."
"How long?"
"A hundred years, two hundred maybe."
Gasps echoed around the room. Taylor turned to Samson.
"Log everything we have just heard, and ensure it is sent directly to General White within the hour."
"Aye, aye, Sir."
The Lieutenant sat down at the nearest workstation and immediately got to work. He knew more was likely to be spoken in the next few
minutes, and he could not afford to miss anything from his transmission. Taylor sat back down, trying to comprehend what that meant for all of them. Everyone waited for him to speak as they reflected on the same words.
"You told me they thought of Earth as a paradise, so why would they destroy it?"
"Either they don't think they can win, or someone is seriously pissed off," replied Ryan.
Taylor nodded in agreement.
"The Gezgen K'til won't destroy Earth. It will just delay its occupation. I never thought I would see it brought here though. Demiran's family built the monster two hundred years ago."
"Demiran? Your former boss and the one we captured?"
Jafar nodded.
"Well, that's just fucking great. He must be pissed."
"Can this Gezgen, whatever it is, be stopped?"
" The Gezgen K'til is a massive ship. The same class as what you called Tartaros in the first war. I know it must get close to the planet to operate, as the last time it was used, a great battle had to be fought above the planet before it could be deployed."
"So this was used against another race?" asked Ryan.
"That doesn't matter, right now. Let's concern ourselves with our own world," replied Taylor. "So what you’re saying is this. If that thing can get to the atmosphere of Earth, our planet is gone for our lifetimes!"
Jafar nodded.
"Christ. We need confirmation of this. Samson. Include all the information you have heard, but make it clear that the presence of this Planet Killer is still just a theory."
The bridge fell silent again as they considered the possibility of losing Earth, and more urgently that they were heading straight for the Planet Killer.
"You've all had a long day. My marines will take on any watches they can. Everyone not on duty get some rest. We've got a hell of a time ahead of us."
* * *
Two days passed without any contact when Taylor was awoken in the middle of the night Earth time. He pulled on his Reitech gear and rushed to the bridge to find the crew standing frozen and staring at the display screen.
"There's your visual confirmation, Colonel," Ryan said.
Taylor turned to Jafar to ask if it was what he had suspected. Before he could say a word, the alien nodded to pre-empt him. Taylor looked back at the screen. He could not tell it and Tartaros apart, but he trusted his friend. They looked out at the hundreds of support ships escorting the behemoth.