Battle Earth II be-2 Read online

Page 3

  “The orders were quite clear, Captain. They want you there immediately.”

  Jones got to his feet with a weary sigh. His knees were sore from their patrol, and his body felt more exhausted by the day.

  “Any word from the Major?”

  “That’s a negative. Taylor is still scouting the northern sectors.”

  Jones nodded, and he knew they could be of no more service there. He picked up his rifle and turned to face his troops who were scattered around the rubble. He no longer knew what to call the remnants of his troop. They had been 2 ^ nd Battalion, then 2 ^ nd Inter-Allied. They had amalgamated the surviving sections so many times that he simply had no idea what to call them anymore.

  “2 Para! On me!”

  The Brits got up with a startled expression. They had barely gotten any recuperation time and had gotten well settled into working with Taylor’s marines. A few groans rang out, but nobody questioned the orders. The battle weary group got to their feet and followed the Captain back behind the front lines to the nearest motor pool. The remnants of their unit were now able to squeeze aboard a single truck, and it was a sore reminder of their losses.

  “Sir? What’s the deal here?” asked Green.

  Jones shook his head, not knowing or particularly caring.

  Rain beat down all around the vehicle. Taylor was mostly shielding from the ferocious downpour, but it was starting to run like a river through the street. He had not seen rain like it in years, and the drains were already spilling over. The Major was alerted to movement in the vehicle. He lifted his upper body slightly to investigate. His Sergeant was rousing with a drowsy and slurred cry of pain.

  “Silva, Sergeant,” he said.

  Taylor’s legs were still trapped beneath the vehicle, and he only wished they were still strong enough to carry him. Silva didn’t answer at first. He was dazed and subdued. He was facing away from the Major, but Taylor could still make out the blood around the man’s collar.

  “Sergeant Silva.”

  Mitch wanted to shout, but he would not risk drawing any attention to them. He repeated himself, hoping that he could get through. The Sergeant quickly turned his head looking for the origin of Taylor’s voice. He turned fully and caught sight of the Major. A broad smile widened across his face. Much of the blood had congealed, but it still trickled between his teeth and out of his mouth.

  “Thought we were goners, Sir.”

  “Not yet, Sergeant.”

  “Anyone else make it?”

  Taylor shook his head. Silva’s smile quickly vanished.

  “We’ve got to get out of here, no telling when they’ll send more troops.”

  “Can you move?”

  “No, how about you?”

  Silva turned and tumbled in the over turned vehicle, crumpling hard onto the ground. He sighed in pain, feeling the many bruises and worse.

  “We made it this far, Sir, so we aren’t stopping now.”

  He dropped out of the vehicle and quickly surveyed the scene. The road was scattered with debris from the ruined Mechs. He could see the bodies of their fallen comrades, and it was evident that they were long gone. He looked up to the skies, and the heavy and relentless rain hammering down on him. It was a relief to feel the clean running water wash down his gritty and dust ingrained equipment. He looked back to the Major, and he could see that the roll bar of the vehicle was crushing his leg.

  “You ready to push?”

  “Anything that’ll get us out of here.”

  The Sergeant took up a good lifting position.

  “Ready? Three, two, one, lift!”

  The Sergeant was a tough marine, more than most. He shrugged off his head injuries as if they were nothing more than an inconvenience. With all their might, they lifted the corner of the vehicle just a centimetre. It was enough to get clear. Taylor hauled his legs out. The heavy vehicle dropped with a muted landing onto the running water.

  For a moment the Major lay flat out on the road, glad to be free of the wreck and enjoying the freshness of the storm. Despite the torrent of water, the street still smelt of burning metal and electrical systems. He sat up and tried to move his legs. Shock filled his face as he stared at the Sergeant. They both realised what he had discovered.

  “My leg, I can barely move it.”

  “At least it’s still attached. Get you back to base, and they’ll have you patched up in no time.”

  The Sergeant reached into the smashed wreck of the jeep to salvage any weapons and ammunition he could.

  “One launcher, one rifle, that’s it. Ammunition could be better, too.”

  He looked back down to the stricken Major.

  “We need to get a splint on that leg.”

  “Agreed, but we should get off this street first. The enemy will surely be here to investigate before long.”

  Silva slung the launcher onto his back and hauled the Major to his feet. He handed the rifle to Taylor and threw Mitch’s arm over his shoulder. The two looked down the street to the south, and the direction of friendly forces.

  “There, the hardware store will do us just fine,” said Taylor.

  Silva put on a brave face, but they were both aware of the danger they were in. They scrambled for over a block to the shop but were severely hindered by the injury. The Sergeant laid the Major to rest and pulled out a door breaker. It was a small pressured device that wedged between the door and its frame, expanding until the lock broke. He readied himself to tackle the alarm system, but nothing signalled the break in.

  “Guess they didn’t set the alarm,” said Silva.

  “Aliens invading your city, would you bother? Poor bastards were running for their lives.”

  Mitch looked up and down the long street once more. It was still eerily silent and with no sign of forces from either side. He hobbled in through the door with the assistance of Silva and reached a small desk where he dropped down and sat.

  “We’ll need some strong bars and tape.”

  “On it.”

  “Welcome all of you,” said Kelly. “As the military leader of the Lunar colony, I am calling you here as advisors and councillors. Over the last week we have made regular attacks against the invading forces, but we are yet to make any headway.”

  “Commander, we are still alive and safe. I would say that’s a good start,” said Secretary Allard.

  Kelly nodded. Survival was not enough for him, and he knew that it would ultimately end in defeat.

  “Earth forces have been getting equipment to us, but the truth is we simply don’t have enough fighters. Right now we have little use for the tasks most of the colony worked. I propose that we introduce compulsory enlistment into the MDF of all able bodied men and women between sixteen and fifty.”

  Several of the councillors gasped at the suggestion.

  “Commander Kelly, you would have us become a colony devoted to war?” asked Vella, the Senator for Industry.”

  Kelly shot a wicked glance at the woman.

  “That choice has been taken from us, Senator. We are fighting for the very survival of the human race, so what are you doing to help?” he snapped back.

  Vella was taken aback by the sharp recourse. She was clearly not used to having her authority and duty questioned.

  “What would you give up, Senator? What would you give up to save the lives of our people? I didn’t take this job to fight wars and send men and women to their deaths. What will you do to ensure the colony’s survival?”

  She remained silent, both shocked and embarrassed at the Commander’s statement.

  “Commander, let’s keep this calm and civil,” said Allard.

  “Calm and civil? Right, because that will help our position. We only need one thing right now, fighters. Men and women who can wield weapons, and have the stomach to do so. There are very few tasks left that our people are needed for. Don’t you think they’d want the chance to make a difference?”

  “You want civilians to take up arms without training or exp
erience?” asked Allard.

  “It’s not about what I want, but what we need. Sacrifices must be made. We have experienced trainers who will get civilians up to par with weapons and equipment. All I need from you is the go ahead. I run and manage the defence, but this decision is yours.”

  Kelly shot up from his chair and slowly paced around the make shift conference table. Many of soldiers had been intently listening to the conversation. They didn’t have enough space to hold the discussion in private. The Senators and officials could see the dirty and bloody soldiers lying about around them. Their placement was clearly intended to shame them into action, and it was working.

  “And if doing this only results in more deaths?” asked Vella.

  “We are at war, Senator. These monsters do not want our submission. They want our lives. We either lie down and die, or give them hell. I believe we have a responsibility to every man, woman and child who have made this place their home, to defend it to our last breath.”

  “Is this what it has come to?” asked Allard. “The utter extermination of our people? Have you accepted that none of us will make it through?”

  “Far from it. We are fighting to win. Earth continues to support us, despite the colossal losses they have witnessed. If they can hold on, what excuse do we have for giving up?”

  He walked around the group, letting them think it over while he towered over them. He reached his place at the table and leaned on the back of the chair.

  “The request has been made, and the points have been discussed. You must now decide.”

  Allard sighed, it was a call which none of them could ever imagine they would have to make. In doing so, they knew they would be sending many of their own sons and daughters to fight against the fearsome invaders.

  “Those in favour?” he shouted.

  He raised his hand first, eager to support the Commander’s plan. Slowly and hesitantly many others followed suit.

  “In lieu of the absence of our Prime Minister, and reverting to majority rule, this motion is passed.”

  Kelly nodded his head in gratitude, but he refrained from a smile. Sending more people to fight and die was never something he would choose lightly. He could see the soldiers around the room were already whispering amongst themselves, spurred on by the news.

  “Thank you, all of you. I will have call ups issued throughout the sectors. Within a few days, we can double our force, and more so over the coming week.”

  “I wish you every luck, Commander, and hope that this most troubling motion can be of some benefit,” said Vella.

  Kelly opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a siren alert from Lewis’ work station. He spun around to see the ghostly expression across the comms officer’s face.

  “What is it, Lewis?”

  “A breach, Sir! Sector 21 to the south!”

  The room erupted into motion as the soldiers grabbed their rifles and pulled on their helmets.

  “Martinez, assemble your troops and get there immediately!”

  The young officer nodded in response and barked his orders out across the room. The Senators and councillors remained at the table stunned, realising how helpless they were. Kelly rushed to Lewis’ desk and grabbed his rifle that was propped up next to it.

  “Any idea on numbers?”

  “No, Sir, looks like the enemy have blasted into the tunnel there.”

  “Shit. Divert any troops you can to the breach, but do not leave any sector unguarded!”

  He threw his helmet onto his head and rushed out of the room towards the defence. Running hurt his old joints, and he knew that his days as a soldier were at their end. All he wanted was to hold on long enough to save his people. He panted heavily as he ran through the corridors. Kelly was a long way from the fitness of his youth. It was a fifteen minute jog to the co-ordinates, but he could already hear the echo of heavy gunfire coursing through their underground tunnels.

  They had retreated into the tunnels as a last line of defence. Kelly was all too aware that they had nowhere left to run. Dozens of MDF soldiers rushed past him, their youthful legs carrying them at almost twice his speed. Explosions erupted in the distance as he heard the now familiar sound of their explosive rounds. Deep beneath the surface they were highly effective and perfectly safe from a breach of the atmosphere.

  Kelly reached a crossroads and turned quickly down the tunnel towards the gunfire. The tunnels were more than twenty metres wide, intended for large cargo wagons to run through. He could see the battle up ahead long before he reached it. He rushed through the tunnel as light pulses flashed down it.

  Moments later, the Commander caught sight of the enemy dropping into the tunnel up ahead. More than fifty soldiers were scattered amongst the rubble firing wildly, and many of their comrades lay dead as more rushed to join the fight.

  Kelly lifted his launcher as he was running and trained it on the nearest targets. He stopped as he came into range and fired immediately. Two of his grenades struck a Mech and vaporised it. He jumped behind a large section of the collapsed tunnel roof beside another soldier who was cowering from the intense gunfire. The Commander looked at the man who was too scared to return fire. He slapped his helmet.

  “Keep that up and we’ll all be dead! Get up there and shoot!”

  The man looked at him with a lost expression, not sure whether to comply or not.

  “What are you waiting for? Now!”

  The soldier took a deep breath and lifted himself up to fire, but he was immediately struck by an enemy pulse which blew his shoulder off and broke his neck. The body slumped down behind the cover still smouldering. Kelly looked down at the fallen soldier. The smell of burning flesh was repugnant, and the taste glued to his tongue, burning his eyes.

  Kelly got to his feet and ran across the open ground, jumping in behind another large section of cover where three soldiers were firing from.

  “Who’s in charge here?” he shouted.

  “Captain Jansen, Sir!”

  “Where is he?”

  The soldier turned and pointed.

  Kelly turned to see a wounded officer trying to reload his weapon with his one good arm as he rested back against the cover of an old rail cart. Kelly turned back to the breach and looked out from behind the shelter. No matter how many Mechs they destroyed, more were dropping into the tunnel. He raised his launcher and fired off with a scattered grouping. There were so many of them that he no longer had to choose his targets.

  Kelly leapt from the cover and rushed across the opening. He jumped in behind the rail cart as a pulse landed behind his feet. It blasted a crater in the floor, projecting him into the air and smashing him against the metalwork of the carriage.

  “Sir, are you alright?” shouted Jansen.

  Kelly rolled over onto his hands and knees, coughing and spluttering. The wind had been taken out of him, and he was breathing dust and grime into his lungs. He rolled up to a seated position beside the Captain.

  “I’m still here, Captain. Give me an update!”

  The cart at their backs rocked as it was struck by enemy fire.

  “Just as it looks, Sir! One breach, they’ve not gained any ground yet, but they seem to have no end of Mechs to throw in!”

  The Commander looked back down the tunnel where he’d come from. Martinez was running towards them at the head of his team that he’d quickly assembled. Kelly grinned at the sight of re-enforcements, but before they could reach the defence lines an energy bolt flew overhead and smashed into them. Three of the soldiers were thrown down and smashed into the walls.

  “Come on! Keep moving!” shouted Kelly.

  He watched as Martinez stumbled to his feet, clearly dazed.


  He quickly came to his senses and staggered towards the defensive line as quickly as he could. Martinez dropped down in front of the Commander. Shrapnel littered his body armour and had punctured through in several places. Blood seeped from the wounds. Kelly wanted to enquire about h
is condition, but there was no time.

  “We’re in deep shit here. This is a meat grinder.”

  “We can’t let them get a hold underground, Sir!”

  “The longer we stay here, the more people we lose!”

  “Then what are your orders, Sir!” shouted Martinez.

  The Commander lowered his head, looking up at the lines of dead and wounded. Their forces battled on bravely, but they were taking more losses than they could afford. He looked up at the other officers for answers.

  “Sir, we could blow the tunnel,” said Jansen.

  “And give up more ground?” Martinez asked.

  “What else is there to do?” shouted Jansen.

  “Sir, we can’t fall back!”

  Kelly turned to Martinez, but he knew he no longer had a choice.

  “This battle is over, so let’s not make it our last.”

  He turned to the wounded Jansen.

  “How can it be done?”

  Light pulses still surged overhead as the soldiers battled on to a stalemate with the Mechs. The enemy never seemed to be able to push enough forces in to break the line, but they always sent enough to keep them on their toes.

  “I have already rigged up explosives a hundred metres back down the tunnel!” shouted Jansen.

  Kelly had never given such orders, but he could not bring himself to discipline a man who may well prove to be their saviour.

  “What do you need to do to set them off?”

  “There’s a control box on the sidewall marked with MDF warning signs. Just arm the three switches and hit the big red button. The fuse is set for thirty seconds.”

  Kelly sighed as he looked back over the defences to see the mound of dead Mechs, and the fresh ones that continued forward. He could not believe they had to give yet more ground although there appeared to be little choice left. He turned back to the two officers who waited for his answer with baited breath.

  “Sound the retreat and get everyone back. Last one of us to pass that box hits the button.”

  Martinez nodded, and he leapt out and ran for the other cover to pass the word to the troops.

  “This definitely going to work?” asked Kelly.

  “Definitely, Sir, the charges are placed on a joining point for the tunnel. They’ll bring down enough ground to ensure our safety.”